
Setting Up an Airsonic Server

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#What is Airsonic?

Airsonic is a free, open source music server. As an admin of an Airsonic server, I upload music I’ve already tagged with Beets, and Airsonic allows me and my friends to stream the music to our devices.

Other popular music servers such as Funkwhale exist, and you can even stream using mpd on a server. However, the simplicity, features, and clients of Airsonic appealed to my needs.

That being said, we will now begin installing Airsonic.

#1. Create an Airsonic user

It’s generally a good rule of thumb to minimize processes running as root, so you’ll want to create a separate airsonic user who will manage the Airsonic files and own the process:


$ sudo useradd --shell /bin/false -m -d /home/airsonic airsonic

This command creates the user airsonic:

#2. Run the Docker Container

Although there are multiple ways to install Airsonic, we will use the Docker method for this tutorial. To get this party container started, you can pull, run, and forget the Docker container all in one command:


$ docker run \
	-v /home/airsonic/data:/home/airsonic/data \
	-v /home/airsonic/music:/home/airsonic/music \
	-v /home/airsonic/playlists:/home/airsonic/playlists \
	-v /home/airsonic/podcasts:/home/airsonic/podcasts \
	-p 4040:4040 \
	-u "$(id -u airsonic):$(id -g airsonic)" \
	-e AIRSONIC_DIR=/home/airsonic \
	--restart unless-stopped
	-d \

This command pulls from the airsonic/airsonic Docker image with some important options. Let’s break it down:


Permissions within the Docker ecosystem is a fairly complicated topic, but let’s go over some basic information.

By default, containers (and commands that run inside of them) will have root privileges on the host. Using the principle of least privilege, we want to reduce these privileges. Here’s where the airsonic user comes in:


	-u "$(id -u airsonic):$(id -g airsonic)" \

We run the container using airsonic’s UID and GID, which don’t have root privileges. This way, if a bug is found inside Airsonic, attackers are only limited to what the airsonic user can do- which isn’t much.

#Environment Variables

-e AIRSONIC_DIR=/home/airsonic passes in an environmental variable so that Airsonic knows where to get its files from. You can see in the airsonic/airsonic Dockerfile how it uses this variable:



The Dockerfile creates 4 volumes using this important variable.

#Docker Volumes

So what about the -v lines? Well, we’ve created 4 Docker volumes with the syntax -v HOST-DIR:CONTAINER-DIR:


	-v /home/airsonic/data:/home/airsonic/data \
	-v /home/airsonic/music:/home/airsonic/music \
	-v /home/airsonic/playlists:/home/airsonic/playlists \
	-v /home/airsonic/podcasts:/home/airsonic/podcasts \

The 4 folders specified contain important information to run Airsonic, including the music itself. Typically, files created by a container remain inside the container and are destroyed when the container stops. Since we want our configuration and music to be persistent, we make the folders into Docker volumes.

Making these folders Docker volumes also forces any changes to be immediately reflected between the container and the host. This way, if users create a playlist, it will show up on your server’s hard drive instead of only existing inside the container’s virtual filesystem.

#3. (Optional) Initialize a Git Repository

If you plan on keeping track of changes to your Airsonic configuration and database, you’ll want to initialize a git repo inside user airsonic’s home directory, since that’s where the Docker volumes live.


cd /home/airsonic
git init
git add data music playlists podcasts
git commit -m "Initialize Airsonic"

#4. Configure the Server and Upload Music

Once the Docker container is up and running for a few seconds, you can navigate to http://your-domain.com:4040 to access the Airsonic web player, which will instruct you how to finish configuration.

Upload music to the folder we specified earlier (/home/airsonic/music/), set the media folder under settings to that directory, and hit Scan media folders now. If you don’t see music start to appear in your clients, ensure that your user has the permission to view the media folder.


The web player is available for any device with a browser, but there are also applications available for both PC and mobile that might offer a better experience.

Once you’ve found your favorite client (for me it was play:Sub), just sit back and enjoy the power of open-source!

Meet the Author

John Allbritten

Nashville, TN

I love learning new technologies, and I have a passion for open source. As I learn things, my notes turn into articles to share.

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